About Kurt


When we had lost Alfred we didn´t plan to get another ragdoll, but we soon started to feel that our house missed one.
I started to look for a seal bicolour and through some friends I learned that Kerstin (Vilda Westerns) were going to have some kittens.
I contacted her and eventually we went to look at the babies. There he was,  not a seal bicolour but a blue, perfect V and all legs white.

Kurt has a very long body and tail. As a kitten he looked like he didn´t get enough food, he just grew lengthways.
When he was around one years old he started to look good, at least in mummys eyes. Now his weight is around 6 kg.

He has learned to open all cupboard doors and are trying to reach the door handles. We keep the door leading out locked just in case,
because we don´t want him to run away. Kurtan likes to take walks on the leash but he rather spend his time in our summerhouse.
There he can wander about and then he is really satisfied.

We had plans to use Kurt in breeding and he had a date with a girl two times with no result. After that he started to spray and we
quickly decided to say goodbye to his balls.
He is HCM-tested with DNA, result N/N. We have also scanned his heart and kindeys with ultrasound. Result: OK.

Kurt has been to a few shows and once became BIV.
Shows wasn´t really his thing and now he has a good life as a stay-at-home cat.

Thank you Kerstin for our special boy.